Ready for the addictive FPS that we knew was coming? Well it's here and better than ever, MW3 in all it's glory.
First I'll start with the graphics. There is some lighting effects, but not a whole lot which could partially be because of my T.V. The guns details are amazing and certainty worth noting, from the odd writing or brand on it to the small scratches and nicks from war they are all very well done. The map graphics are amazing as well with all the small things working together to make the big things look even better, the point streaks also work into the map flawlessly.
Now onto gameplay. The gameplay is the best in the series. There was a lot of concern about whether it will be a cookie cutter copy of the other Call of Duty games, which it isn't. I'm sure that you have heard of all the people saying that it's the same as MW2, which isn't true however it has all of the good things from MW2, but a lot of other things so you have to be adventures and go out of your comfort zone for the new things to stand out. Kill streaks have been scrapped and turned into points streaks. Point streaks are like kill streaks, but will reward you for playing the objective and doing other things beside just camping for kills. The result is a lot less camping and more people playing the objective. The point streaks come in 3 different kinds. Assault which resets the streak when you die, with more offensive oriented rewards. Then there is support which doesn't have the streak reset and has more supportive rewards. Then there is specialist which resets once you die and rewards you in perks.
The campaign is decent, not a lot better than the other Call of Duty games although it is better. There is a variety of different things to do and achievements to earn in the campaign, but it's not the main thing in the game and I don't think anyone was expecting it to be.
Now Spec-Ops returns and is better than ever. There is a lot of fun it be had in the endless gameplay with all of the different options to play. The mission modes are also a lot of fun too, providing a interesting and varied experience.
The multiplayer is the best reason to buy this game. There are thousands of combinations with weapons perks and the like. The leveling up is just as addictive and rewarding as always. You level up your weapons, like in a lot of RPGs, and you unlock attachments, camo, and some emblems for your call sign.
Now I like to keep other games out of my reviews, but there is a game that does need mentioning, Battlefield 3. I think that BF3 is more a game for when your with some friends and want to mess around on a video game, but it's not as competitive as MW3.