Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the third installment in the Modern Warfare series. The story takes place right from the events of Modern Warfare 2. You fight in major places in the world like New York City, England, and France. That's all I am going to tell you so I don't spoil anything. The Special Ops Mode is the most improved thing about this game. It has it's own leveling system which is good to keep you going either alone or with a friend. The missions feel like story missions but are different scenarios. There is a new mode called Survival Mode and it's fun if you are bored with multiplayer but chances are you only get the game for the multiplayer. The mulitplayer is still fun but disappoints in differing from other Modern Warfare entries. There is new weapons that you can level up which is fun and addicting. There is also one new mode but that's about it with the new things in multiplayer. The Pros: *Epic Story that is a must-play *Spec-Ops is better than ever *Multiplayer is addicting *Graphics have improved a little bit. The Cons: *Survival Mode is a bit stale *Multiplayer is the same as the other Modern Warfare entries
Other Helpful Reviews for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Im not going to lie, I played COD4, WAW, MW2, and Black Ops for months each - I literally played COD every spare chance I got. So it goes without saying that I figured I would enjoy this game immensely. I had a feeling... Read Full Review
By nousername66 | Review Date: Nov 08, 2011 | X360
I had high hopes for MW3 months ago before a lot of vids were out showing the gameplay. After playing COD4 and loving it I moved on to MW2 and it went downhill for there. It seems the franchise has lost it's way as a ser... Read Full Review