Best In Series? Some elements Yes, Some elements No...Read on to find out...
Just had finished playing Call Of Duty 2 in preparation for Call Of Duty 4. Installed COD 4 and hit the .exe icon to kick start the game. I had Nvidia 7600GT back then. Whoa. I was surprised from all dimensions. Even if i wanted to blink, i could not blink my eyes. All the way from the start when the game begins with Price yelling "What kind of a name is SOAP" to the omninous Start Credits to the execution of the President ensured that i will not put this game down for the rest of the night and MW become one of my treasured collections and one of my favorite FPS games of all time. I even went on to play the multiplayer.
2011 on a crazy evening:
Just finished replaying MW1 and MW2. MW1 - i have no words to describe. MW2 though not as good as one had an epic finish to it.
I have an AMD 5850 now. Battlefield 3 was a bit of a disappointment. I still ogle at the graphics though.
My expectations overall for MW3 was not at all high. There was not much gameplay videos advertised, not much banners or commercials that you might see during an ad break. MW2 pretty much had softened me up. Not telling it was an average game. MW2 was excellent game but MW1 itself had already set the benchmark so high, MW2 definitely had a task ahead of it.
Ofcourse after playing BF3 and seeing the MW3 videos my expectations very obviously not at all high. Besides being a veteran gamers, i emphasize more on the Story and the Gameplay. Though i wont deny even i am getting dragged into the "Hype" of graphics these days.
Modern Warfare looks really good even to this date. MW2 looks really good. But with MW3 it is difficult to describe. No doubt the graphics are better than MW2. But thanks to Black Ops (a game that i do not like), there has been slight influence. Overall its a very smooth and fluid graphics and animation. But i agree with the fans here. They could have made it a lot better.
With the money they have earned through sales, they could have easily made a BF3 kind of engine.
Top Notch. Best In Series. Customized guns like MW2. You can change scopes on the go. The gun in the first level Black Tuesday is my favorite gun.
So many options like unmanned tank, helicopter and the typical MW style gameplays. So much variety made me happy that i played this game after BF3. A pretty satisfactory and sweet end to the FPS games this year.
Some levels are ridiculous. Especially the plane level where you float like you are in space, then the place where you crawl down behind price and guys with torches flash it every nook and corner except your area.
Well, the plot for this game is pretty good. It does connect all three games and does reveal some shocking secrets. The game again like the first two is short.
The ending is all hurried. Its like, That's It? The story was good. Story-telling also good. They could have sequenced it a bit better.
Again like MW 2 it lacked the punch factor, that slamdunk that MW1 provided like the "You can never put me down" attitude. MW games are popular for their bombastic and magniloquent level presentations. MW3 seems the weakest of the three in this department.
If you have played MW1 and 2 definitely get this game. Its the best in series in terms of gameplay and also the Multiplayer i have heard. The graphics and plot can be a bit of a let down though atleast towards the end.