Call of Duty ey? do i know you???

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3
The return of, 'the lagest PS3 franchise', to date at least. With most franchises, sequels allow for the developer to explore new possibilities and scenarios, to push the envelope, to test the hardware, pushing the console that bit further. However, it appeared evident from the initial footage that MW3 would be happy to embrace a system which undeniably works. But has this led to a lazy rehash of an already well known and expected formula?


The MW3 campaign 'adventurousely' picks up where the previous story left off, with Soap and comrades completing the evacuation from the conclusion of MW2. The story proceeds to confusingly flick between many inernational locations, in a very 'Cold War' esque 'worst case scenario',,, erm scenario, while clutching onto some classic terrorist plot.

These international locations lead to some solid environments for some hardcore gunplay. An at times noticeable improvment to many of Modern Warfare 2's very linear environments, the environments can feel hectic and claustophobic, adding to the frought tension of a firefight against some tough (if playing hardened or veteran) AI, and the often poorly lit or heavilly shadowed arenas can causse an almost paniced approach to shooting, firing of rounds at the gunblasts of the enemy, while grenades roll past your twitching ass.

However this can also make the situations difficult on the eye at times. It can be difficult to pinpoint enemies and if playing on an advanced difficulty level, you will die wuitre regularly, a challenge, yes, frustrating after your fifth attemp, yes....

Some set pieces, namely the plane sequence feel fresh and experimental, however they dont last long at all, and for the most part it does simply, and to some degree unavoidably, feel like just more of te same.

This said, the gun motion, power and physics are still incredibly solid, with a powerful sound and recoil adding the the inevitably deadly impact on the enemy.

The computer AI remains apparently unchanged since MW2, though hardened and veteran difficulty did test me more than MW2 had, though wether this was largely in part due to te aformentioned environments is an interesting possibility. Enemies will cover (shoddilly for the most part), ambush and trow grenades at you, however, the charge into enemy gun fire order is still well issued by their laughing generals. When will these terrorists be issued with flash or concussion grenades??? really moneys not that tight if you can afford a worlwide invasion.


Are undeniably sharper, though only marginally, some of the epic level set ups are beutifull, such as a giant sandstorm in Africa, though the urban environmnts on the whole do little justice to such a potentialy powerful engine.

The explosion engine looks great, though again this is quite expected seeing as how the developers have had plenty of time to hone this skill.



There really isnt much to say. The new Strike, Support and Specialist Killstreaks are pretty good, almost rewarding each and every kill with a perk or killstreak. The on screen stats are discreet, only to be seen if looked for, (subliminal genious), and are still a great incentive for hours of online play.

The new individual weapon development system is a largely welcome addition, however, spending your first 20+ level,s developing one of your 4 assault rifles/subs only to have to start with no attachments or paints etc each time a new gun is unlocked can be a groin punch to your hard work. Though it does even out the playing field online.

Aside from this, it is, undeniably, more of the same.... That sounds like a bad thing and has been touted as such, however if you love COD online, the gameplay remains addictive, frantic and insanely moreish....... If you can stay alive for 20 seconds that is....
