best cod campaign ever , lamest multiplayer maps ever
i'll keep this review short and sweet so we can all get back to Skyrim ...
the campaign for mw3 is the best campaign I've played in a while. period. really stoked - especially after the dud that was black ops. the single player shines in mw3.
the multiplayer maps really bum me out for this release .. small , poorly planned , repetitive , and when it comes right down to it - they look nice but are all really simple and lack character. compared to other cod releases these online maps are small and crowded , which created fast paced hectic gameplay that is more suited to Nuketown than every single level.
i love paying hardcore modes in COD .. the hardcore modes tend to have more mature players who are interested in trying not to get killed .. which creates awesome games against skilled players who know the maps and all have their own little ways of playing and sneaking around each level ... but in mw3 the online maps are all small and crowded , and even the harcore modes are little more than a hectic rush to throw your grenades as fast as you can and fire off an entire clip before dying again.
to put it in perspective - in black ops I would maybe maybe get team killed once every few games of hardcore mode ... in modern warfare 3 i get team killed multiple times every single round.
thankfully the campaign for this release is so awesome - because the lame little maps for the online have caused me to want nothing to do with the multiplayer for this game. it is my earnest hope that the developers put out some mighty fine dlc maps that are at least twice the size of the current ones. until then - this is more like nuketown 24/7 than anything else.
i now understand the 'arcade' critique that so many people drop on COD games .. over and over again people tell me that the find the online in COD to be too cartoony - to arcade like - not real enough .. and I guess that's why I played hardcore modes .. to slow it down a bit and make it a challenge rather than a grenade hucking barge fest , and sadly now even the hardcore modes are overrun with lame gameplay and no skill required.
this game impressed me as much as it disappointed me. to be honest - this may be the title that killed first person shooters for me .. I mean really - if this is supposed to be an improvement over the old online .. well .. i disagree.
oh - one word about Call of Duty Elite - what a friggin' SCAM! charging people to look at the same stats that were recorded for free in Black Ops is not cool .. and the service doesn't even work most of the time. If I could I'd return my Elite and get my money back - total scam.