Shameless rehash of MW2
Survival is a cheap Zombies rip-off
Everything else
Oh, where to start... where to start. Modern Warfare 3 was, as usual, extremely hyped up, and, of course, broke sales records like it does every year. However, this year, people were paying $60 for Modern Warfare 2 with a new coat of paint.
Campaign-wise, this game isn't terrible. While cliche and Michael Bay inspired, it is full of intense moments and has you on the edge of your seat throughout. This is the norm for Call of Duty campaigns though, and it is filled with cliches and overdone moments. The standard sniper mission, the boat mission, the "HOLY COW THAT WAS AWESOME!" ending. All these can be found in MW3.
Spec-Ops makes a return, with a new Survival mode, which is basically a cheap rip-off of Treyarch's Zombies. The actual Spec-Op missions are uninspired as well, as most of these are based off of campaign missions.
Onto the multiplayer, the franchise's main seller. This is what really got me. It's exactly the same as Modern Warfare 2! The menus, the Create-a-Class, the graphics, pretty much everything! Oh ok, they threw in some new guns and killstreaks, big deal. It's an expansion pack for Modern Warfare 2. The maps are pretty bad too, as there are far too many ways to navigate the map, and too many ways in an out of a building, so it seems like I'm always dying from getting shot in the back. These maps were actually supposed to help curtail camping, according to Infinity Ward. What a joke that was. Camping is just as prevalent in MW3 as it was in MW2. Nothing will stop the campers from camping, as they think having a really high k/d ratio will get them farther in life. They did, however, remove a lot of the stuff that made Modern Warfare 2 bad out. Things like Commando, shotguns as secondary weapons, One Man Army. However, they did bring back deathstreaks, Riot Shields, and overpowered assault rifles.
I just simply cannot fathom how this game has not received negative reviews from all the critics. There is literally nothing new about this game. At least with Black Ops, there were some new features, like Create-a-Class 2.0, Wager Matches, and custom emblems.
This game is nowhere near worth paying $60 for. There is absolutely nothing new about it. So, if you have Modern Warfare 2, don't waste your money on Modern Warfare 3. I lost whatever respect I had left for Infinity Ward after they released "Modern Warfare 2.5".