Halo what? Metal Gear what? Battlefield what? Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3™ is the greatest game ever made.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3
The single player campaign is simply spectacular, so much so that many times I was playing I forgot that I was playing a game and thought that I was watching a Hollywood blockbuster! Every character is expressive and convincing. By the time the game is done, you will care for all of them. Captain Price is the epiphany of the word badass! The multiplayer is incredibly simple, but rewardingly difficult to master. It'll suck you in and you'll get thousands of hours out of this game. Simply, the only game you will ever need to play aside from Modern Warfare 4 of course ;) The game has just been released so you all you poor people and cheapos probably won't be able to afford it, but please put off buying that extra bottle of jack and bucket of KFC. It's worth it, trust me. Modern Warfare 3™ is a masterpiece and is the greatest game ever to grace gaming and anyone that says otherwise doesn't know crap about video games. Buy it and you will not be disappointed.