My review for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
Call of Duty mw3 is a massive and interactive experience.If you are a vet of the cod series,like me, you know this is a growing and immersible franchise.This game is complex, but not perfect.The story is awesome and interesting, makes you fell like you are in a real war.The graphics are beautiful and draw you into a new world,but still have a little glitch or pop up.The audio is phenomenal , to every bullet fired, from the sound of walking is just unspeakable.spec ops is back and better then ever,with a new survival mode that you can do with your friends.The multiplayer has new guns,perks,and kill streaks.This time you can have support kill streaks or assault.When you level up you don't have to buy guns (which i think is good).Even your gun levels up, and you can equip perks for your specific game play.You go run and gun get less kick,stay back and support your team get iron lungs.Know for me the multiplayer was fun but haven't we seen this before.Just because you change the perks,kill streaks,and guns doesn't make it better then previous cod games. I personaly would rent the game and see what you will do. Thank you for reading this review and have a nice day