Best in the series for me with a great story and another smash hit multiplayer, still needs a bit more though...........

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
Call of duty: modern warfare 3 is the eighth COD game in the series and is the follow up from modern warfare 3. It host some fantastic new things as well as carrying on from the previous, modern warfare 2.

I felt like the story was thought out much better this time with the battle tearing its way through New York, Paris and even London. With the return of Soap and Captain Price they are once again sent out to kill Makrov with a new arson of weapons such as the assault drone, juggernaut suite and the incredibly satisfying breach element. Unlike the ridiculous knife in the eye that was in the end of modern warfare 2, the ending is much better thought out but no spoilers.

Spec ops has made another return with brand new mission with the same star system as the previous game. In addition to this they have added a survival mode which has replaced in some way....... zombies mode from black ops. The fact that you can rank up and upgrade guns and even buy kill streaks makes it all the more better. The really disappointing thing is the fact that in multiplayer mode you can two people in the game instead of four which was really disappointing.

COD has produced yet another spectacular multiplayer with the introduction of point streaks and two new game modes called kill confirmed and team defender which are both loads of fun. The prestige rank has now increased to 80 but its worth all the extra equipment and guns that are available. With call of duty: Elite making itself heard through the multiplayer and new maps every month there is only one thing I can say which is that it is only going to get better.

All in all I love the story mode it well thought out and has a great conclusion. The spec ops and survival mode are both good but they will never EVER replace zombies mode. For me the multiplayer just does it for me with the new perks, guns gee I could go on for ever. And so I give this game an 8!