The game is far better than mw2 however the mutiplayer aspect of the game doesnt quite live up to the hype.

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
The game is far better than mw2 however the mutiplayer aspect of the game doesnt quite live up to the hype.Still no dedicated servers in mw3. What more can i say, without this, the game will never be a 10. Some of the weapons have returned and the game still gives off all the same vibes as the last. Not too much has changed except for the new progressive perk system and some other new interesting feature in multiplayer. COD elite service is still not working and that has also impacted my rating of the game. MW3 is all about the multiplayer experience however the new survival mode has shifted the focus of hardcore gamers to a more zombie style game for mw3. It consists of endless hoards of soldiers, attack choppers, attack dogs, juggernauts, and best of all suicide bombers! Last but not least, the new campaign mode of mw3 picks up right after the end of MW2. Not going to spoil any story lines but i will tell you that it is action packed the whole time! If you have not yet played then i would strongly urge you to do so. cheers.!