Every single year we're just playing the same old game that is a complete waste of time...
The Good:
Survival Mode
The Bad:
Special Ops
COD:Modern Warefare 3 has no way even improved since the last installment,and we want a game that would keep us glued to our Xbox 360/PS3 but COD does not do that,HOWEVER...Battlefield 3 does.Anyway back on topic.The only good in this game was the campaign and the survival mode.Otherwise everything else was either boring or a waste of time,and even the survival mode gets boring soon or later.
The campaign is great and has great action packed missions,there are 3 acts just like in most of the COD games,and there is always a great story line ready for you to see.Although it is very easy to complete on any difficulty,the game only takes several hours and then you've completed it,but that's what you would get from all the COD games in it's series.
Survival is a new mode which is quite fun,it more or less reminds you of Zombie mode,although i would prefer that,this is also good,but soon or later it gets very,very boring.Survival is basically pushing against diffarent waves of soldiers,your objective is basically to kill everyone and stay alive.You can buy weapons and weapon attatchments,explosives,perks,air strikes,predator missiles and you can even by freindly's,who rappel down out of a helicopter and give you a little back up,you also fight against juggernauts,the juggernauts are much more easier to kill than they were in MW2,and there are new juggernauts now who carry riot shields.
The online mode is just a waste of time,just like all the COD games,you will be playing with diffarent,diffarent noobs and campers every match.But that's another thing to expect from this game.Also rank 80 is now the highest rank,where as it was 70 in MW2.Also there are new perks and kill streaks,like juggernaut,you can now play as a juggernaut online,but you have to get a high kill streak first.There are some other new kill streaks,but there not really any good.But I never really liked COD game's online.Except for COD 3 and 4.Because the online is always the same,and there are always the same modes to play,which soon or later gets very boring.
Special Ops:
The special ops mode is also just a waste of time,it's only fun sometimes and thats if your playing split screen or with a freind online.I'ts no fun because it's just like MW2,do a mission witha timer and collect stars,and it would be better if it was more campaign like,so no timer and stars and then it would be like Co-op in Battlefield 3.
Graphics:The graphics have barley improved,and it's just the same cartoony game we played every other year.
Overall:Do not buy this game unless you are going to play the campaign.Because it's a complete waste of time and money.And my advice would be getting Battlefield 3 which has better Online and graphics.
Special Ops:5.0/10
Sound Effects:7.5/10