Review: it's good story, but the Muitlplayer is biggist Failure.
So let me say about Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: I was big surpise that game it well suck you in on real Modern Warfare with great Character, great Story, and fan's favorite the muitlplay that one is Wow and lot of fun too play, so that Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: uhh I had to say that is little better than the first but not much as is the story take place 5 years after the first one it same plot for that manner, I'm just saying the story great, but it's short it take 5-6 hour too beat it, ok the online muitlplay samething before but it lot of fun with new weapons, maps and killsteaks. I heard fan's on xbox live they hate it when other player just camping too much of it that all had to say it lot fun a little better than first.
Alright Call of Duty MW3 I'm must say it disappointing well I like story they knew how follow from MW(1)and(2) very well like save the world and kill mad men that it.
OK my biggist letdown is muiltplay it just samething from MW2 the samething we de before, I know their are new weapon and new killstreak I don't care too much about it, their one thing I HATE MOST is the maps its......its horrible but I like 2 map uh... one in Paris, and........ oh Wall Sheet map that good map, ok the rest of the map suck it just too much building to building to shot the other player and space block too and to much cars and truck to see other team players some go up and down the hill or build just say it's drive me nuts, I like two other MW the maps design look great and fun play, but this one blocking my way I getting hit other player i you think quick or get killed.
I rather play Battlefield3 it lot better then this one, well yes BF3 had Bad storyline nothing better than sweet muitlplay It huge map and lot hard fun too play.
The sound it Ok they just think about change from MW2 that all had to say.
The music from Brian Tyler not much to say two music I like one last stage music is awsome but he not better than Hans Zimmer on MW2.
Let hope next year from Treyarch (Black ops) make very good game they very smart how too make a best Call of Duty franchise.