Just the same **** ive played for the last two years! Activision start taking ur fans seriously.

User Rating: 1 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3
MW3 is just such a money whoring game its got terrible multiplayer, small maps, bad gameplay, bad graphics, bad DLC, the list is just endless and yet the fan boys just keep lapping it up every year. YOud thing with the money that activision are making from this franchise that the could at least update the engine and grpahics? COD4 looked better than MW3, its the same engine that based on the unreal one? Shamefull release, seriously put more effort and time in? dont just recycle the same **** every year. Also don't even get me started on the elite breeze, didnt even work for the first few months and it's the same thing we got in black ops but now we have to pay for it? And lol founder status, what do you mean I get an avatar for paying £40 extra pounds? This game was designed to be churned out as quick as possible to make the maximum amount of money they could!