If you played one COD you've played them all!!!!!!!!
When I first started playing this game I realized it's a watered down version of COD: Black Ops. For example they took the running dive move out of the game completly which was one of the key moves to not getting killed in Black Ops. Another example is that they took out zombie mode all together. Just for the hell out of it here's one more minor example but one that meant alot to me.. they took away the RC cars and replaced it with some little remote control tank that you need a huge kill streek to get an is nothing like it at all.
In my conclusion this game is basically COD: MW2 with a couple new features. All in all though I found myself bored with the game only 1 hour into it. For those of you who can't get enough of the same old, same old then this game is designed for you. For those of you who thinks the franchise is getting stale and is desperate need of a reboot, don't buy this game and put your money into some lower budget but better games so different gaming companies can put out more original games.