Familiar Warfare 3

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
Of course we are obliged to buy this one, its part of owning a machine that plays games, you have to buy this. The increasing fact is that you dont have to like it.

The characters are familiar, Captain Price is as rugged and direct as ever and Yuri seems to be clinging on for dear life at every turn. The enemy do what they do as do the weapons. It looks fantastic and sounds better, the pace is bang on and the reward mechanism built in for collecting intel and completing on veteran is satisfying.

Thing is though im underwhelmed by this. There will be detractors who simply like to eh, detract just for the sake of it but there is a bigger point here i feel. With the success of this title and the continued appetite for this type/style of game comes a price, more of the same. Take for example the overhaul of the most recent Ace Combat title, they have looked at the $$$$$$ from COD and tried to replicate that, it failed in my opinion for a number of reasons that i will go over in my review of it to come.

Dont get me wrong the online aspect of this will take up some of my time, i will enjoy it and get a feeling of achievement from it but the flatness remains. From now on i will set my expectation bar low for these games and therefore avoid disappointment but i will buy the next one, and the even bigger next one...its kind of just what we do isnt it?