MW3 Disappointing!

User Rating: 3 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
MW was a superb game. The same was MW2. But MW3...

Let´s review the game

Single-player: Good story, amazing missions, not fast campaign, story you can enjoy.

Multi-player: Quick Scoping better than ever (also more annoying), noob tubing, no spawn protection, spawn system sucks (enemies can spawn behind you) and fast paced battles = not funny.

Spec ops: Funny, Survival is fun to play with friends, missions can get boring, weapon unlocks good idea and requires 2 players to have fun.

Other: Same graphic engine and auto-save does´nt work as good as it could.

I looked forward to this game. But now i am just like " this is the worst call of duty ever"

Advice: Buy it for the Campaign not for the Multi-player.

Opinion: I hoped that infinity wards and sledgehammer games could make a good game this time (especially because they were together on this game). But i was wrong. I was sad when i found out that the Multi-player sucked as bad as it did.

Advice to makers of game: Continue the way you made MW2 so you can make a game that is worth buying.

Grade: i am giving it 3.5 for the game. Campaign amazing and Spec ops is fun. Survival very fun.