User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PC
Hey ppl, i haven't got the time to make as many reviews as i like but let's do something about it. About this MW3 everyone who really knows the series since the first one can say that the others MW wore better, not that this one inst great, the graphics are spectacular and they aren't that "heavy" for our machines and the reality of the game it's what keeps impressing me. From the guns to the stories, and the plot when we put all MW together are beautiful. There aren't many bugs and the thing i was a little disappointed was that it keeps ending to soon, this one i thing it was more a marketing edition to Christmas and it could have a little more story or at least a couple of hours to play. Never the less it's a Great game and every one of them its worth buying. The one thing that we all would like to know is how Makarov is going to end or ins't...