yet another broken and exploited game.

User Rating: 4 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3
ive been waiting a while now to do a review on this game cause ive been waiting for the exploits to happen and now they are here.

well for instance the worst exploit by far is the lag switching that is going on,and it IS happening!
i loved mw2,that is until everyone started hacking and pretty much killed the game so i bought mw3 when it came out in hope that the developers would have at least learned to stop this from happening but i was wrong.
this is what's to be expected from a company that copy & paste a game and using hype to make one hell of a profit selling the damn thing,they pretty much sell and forget and couldn't give a crap what happens to it (mw2 is the example) they knew it was being hacked to hell and yet with all that money they have they didn't even try to stop it.

i also loved playing mw3 until all this crap started happening and you's would understand how annoying it is to start a game just for your team to start lagging which for some reason doesn't seem to affect the guy on the other team who's pumpin out all the kills and hardly any deaths at all.
you know its happening when you see a guy pop around a corner and before you can get a bullet off your dead but on the kill cam you see yourself just standing there...what a joke,this game is a joke and the development team is a joke and so are the bastards that have to exploit a game!