Used to like infinity Ward better
First things first i did not play single player so i donot know if it was any good or not but lets face it no one plays call of duty specifically for the single player. You can from the get go tell that the desingers came into this with an uncaring attitude which is dissapointing because i loved modern warfare period, with world at war i had a treyarch is a but of yahoos attitude and did not really give black ops the credit it was do because this game all f'd up. Right from the begining in multiplayer maps i noticed recycled buildings from previous call of duty titles and i understand eventually they will all look similar but seriously it is the exact same building in almost every map its one thing to copy and paste old maps due to fan favorites its a whole other when its the same buildings different map layout and different backdrop thats just lazy. Next, the field of view for those of you who have never played anything but a console game (not judging just educating not everyone likes pc games and i am ok with that) field of view is your peripheral vison in a game essentially and most console games keep it semi narrow because it saves console memory meaning they can make the game look pretty per screen but MW3's field of view is so flipping narrow it becomes almost impossible to see anyone unless they are directly infront of you i would rather the graphics take a hit and be able to see better than not know where i am getting shot from unless i look at the radar.
Next the multiplayer mechanics, which coming from a fan of call of duty i like kill streaks i really do but there is a line that must be set. Firstly why in the blue hell would you reward someone for doing badly because that is what is being done. Hollow point bullets for example you literally do more damage for doing bad. Another problem i have is the game is becoming this, whoever starts getting a kill streak will win the game i mean come on predator missle okay fine here comes the attack chopper (great i have to hide more), then the AC-130 FTW i hope fans realize how rediculous this is becoming. The last killstreak i am going to point out is that of the support which means even when you die your killstreak continues then you can get juggernaut and be damn near invincable if your team is not working together and god forbid you are in a solo game type.
Another thing i cannot stand is the way the weapons work in MW3. If you have not played it your gun has levels itself in which gaing higher gun levels gives you rewards such as less weapon kick or 2 attachments, not to mention all your scopes and your camo's. It sounds like a good idea on paper but esstentially this mean you as a player get punished for using the weapon you want to because lets face it the gun you want is probably not unlocked in the begining meaning you literally have to use a less effective gun to unlock things for it. The money system in black ops was brilliant it motivated you to play to gain cash, and when you unlocked a new gun you weren't punished if you wanted to use it because you simply bought the attachments you wanted i personally loved double mags and slight of hand.
The last thing i absolutly have to mention is why the F%$k is the game that strives to be the most realistic, the most war like using a hit scan based weapon system (if you are unaware hit scan means the bullet instanly travels from your gun to wearever the reticle was pointing at the time the tracers in the game simple serve to show where you are firing and where fire is coming from) even Halo actually implemented a ballistics engine somewhat with reach which may have been why we as gamers saw so many young children flock to Call of Duty because it is literally easier to play.
I am sorry i understand many people love this game, and upon release i had high hopes but i heard bad things and trusted my friends but it was cheap so i bought it and i regret it now. To me it is a scary world when Halo has become a more complex shooter than CoD do not get me wrong Halo has it place in my heart to i love it to but it was simply over played. I feel this game has simply become a cash cow which is why the devs became so lazy which is why i am writing this i hope someone some where will read this and say wow he is right and we as gamers should stop getting so wrapped up in the game name and ignore its inexusable flaws. I sitll have hope for Treyarch with the terrible WaW and then coming back with the amazing Black Ops (It still had its problems) i feel they are the only ones who care for CoD anymore and actually try to improve but we will see with their third installment into the seris.