What comes to mind when I think of Modern Warfare 3? I guess it's the game that went out of its way to show us the lengths Activision are willing to go to sell a product. Not since Halo 3 had I seen marketing like this. MW3 was on Doritos, Mountain Dew, Burger King, 7/11 stores, and tattooed on the back of this one guys head. This was the game that put Michael Bay into a fit of jealousy like nobody had seen since Face/Off. It was big, really big, too big... Then it launched and everyone bought it. Spoilers were leaked all over the internet and it became the new cool thing to bash the hell out of COD for eternity and the ending... While I had a love for COD4 and liked MW2, Modern Warfare 3 was that classic case of a 3rd act that can't quite measure up to the first two. It was very much more of the same, and people were getting tired of it. Still solid as any COD game before it though, it's an essential part of the trilogy and shouldn't be missed if your looking to get the full story.
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