Once you go or have seen next gen, you can't go back. Rent it first before you buy it.
I gave it an 8 because the graphics plain out suck. I've seen PS2 games with better graphics and even Xbox games. Halo 1 had better graphics. The size of the game (checked by poping the game into my computer) is only 1.8 GB, the largest PS2 games can hit 8.5GB. Therefor the game was not developed to it's fullest potential.
So you get a feel of how the graphics are:
-Water looks like a layer of ice. You can walk through it, you can see that you are partially in it but the water does not move.
-In the beginning training you start with shooting helmets on dummy people. You can't see the helmets without looking closely.
-There is no recoil of guns.
-Everything looks dull, like a PS1 game.
Overall, I gave it an 7.5 because for people that haven't seen next gen or only have a PS2, this game will be fun for them. If you have seen next gen, forget about not having next gen but even if you've seen it, you won't have any fun with this game.