Best Wii Shooter EVER! Best Wifi, Most fun you will have with wifi. This game is a must buy!
User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty: World at War WII
Ok, so this game is the best Wii game I have ever owned. I have also played this longer than any other game. This game is so fun and you will never get bored. Great story in campaign mode. Now the biggest thing: THE WIFI! The wifi mode is amazing. You create a user name. Its easy to set up games with friends or join other worldwide games. Many guns, grenades, pistols, and perks possible. The wifi has many people playing all day every day. There are about 7 maps and they never get boring. You also get to vote on if the map should be vetoed against. There are so many possibilities in this game. I would recommend this game to anyone who has a Wii. The only downside is that there is a lot of bad language (I dont mind) but if you have little kids you can just disable it. Anyway this game is my favorite Wii game to this date.