Call of duty: World at War is a first Person shooter on the Nintendo DS. My brother bought it and at first I thought that a first person shooter on the DS wouldn't work, but when I started playing the game, I became Jealous of my brother for buying it first. The Campaign is split into three parts: American, British, and Russian. Andthe campaign is challenging enough, But it's the Multiplayer that will grab your intrest. This is something that Call of duty 4: modern warfare on the DS didn't have. But they fixed that in Call of duty: world at war. The Multiplayer has a decent amount of maps, al of which are pretty good. The only gripe I have is the maximum number of people you can play with. 4? Come on. That's not even enough for a racing game. I think that the maximum number of people you play with should would depend on the map, as all the the maps vary in size.
Another gripe I have with the campaign is that when you're trying to shoot your enemies, there's always one guy on your team who's standing right in fron't of you, doing nothing,almost as if he's trying to make the gane harder for you. and when your gun is aimed on your team mates, his name will show up in green letters, and that automatically makes your gun unable to shoot. So your either have to move out of the way, or hide behing him until he get's shot down by enemy forces. This may sound like a very minor issue, and it is a "Minor" issue, But this could mean trouble when playing on harder difficulties. But all-in-all, A great game and a must buy for Nintendo DS users.
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Game Title: Call of Duty: World at WarPlatform: Nintendo DSDeveloper: N-SpacePublisher: ActivisionGenre: First Person ShooterAge Ra... Read Full Review
When you think of FPS such as Call of Duty for a handheld system such as the ds, you normally think of a low quality, low budgeted, and all together bad game. This is not the case for World at War for the ds. In this g... Read Full Review