If not for Nazi Zombies, this game would just be yet another WW2 FPS, but a solid one at that.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: World at War X360
I must say that i was a bit hesitant to play this game at first. being half Japanese, i didn't feel the desire to play against them or see them portrayed insultingly. I eventually did pick this game up, and i knocked myself in the head for not playing it sooner. This game is great. The campaign is epic, which is especially true for the Russian portion. From the first mission spent in Stalingrad to get revenge on the german general, to the last one planting the Soviet flag on top of the Riechstag, this half is as emotional as an FPS can get. I felt myselff actually wanting to avenge the motherland and soundlessly screaming on my couch as i charged. The Pacific campaign is fun as well, and it has a whole different atmosphere. While the Russian missions are more fantastic and epic, the missions against the Japanese are much more tense, which is lent to by the frequent Banzai charges. In this campaign, though, you feel less attached to the characters, and i even grimaced a little at the final scene, which tries too hard to make you feel for the characters.

Multiplayer has perhaps the best action of any WW2 shooter, mostly because it borrows heavily from COD4. It is really fun to rank up, and some maps are masterpieces, but others are pretty much garbage. However, these are mostly from the map packs, so you don't have the bad ones off the bat. A great counter to these bad maps is the voting system, which allows players in the game lobby to vote to skip a map. Thank god for this feature.

Now for the best part of WAW. Nazi Zombies. This is essentially a survival mode where you fight against increasingly large forces of zombies, using an array of WW2 weaponry. The first map, Nacht Der Untoten, comes with the game. However, if you truly want a zombie expirience, you need to buy the following three map packs. each has a new zombie map, improving upon the last. With these four maps, zombies can appeal to any person's taste, whether it be bare simplicity (nacht Der Untoten), An expirience as thrilling than a horror movie (Verruckt), or purely unrealistic but amazing zombie-blasting (Der Riese), It has everything here for you.