Bad multiplayer programming ruins the only reason I wanted to play this game.
User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: World at War PC
I purchased this game last weekend to use the co-op, since switching PC gaming, this game has been my first major disappointment. I've been gaming since 1985 or so, but there is this ignorant culture about noobery and not wanting to play with new players. You'd played one FPS, you've played the majority of them, once I got past that and actually tried to host games of my own, I realized I couldn't, after some research, I thought it might have been my wireless, but the wired network works much the same. It doesn't behave this way in Section 8, but it does in UT3 and Call of Duty, I'm guessing it's because the use of Gamespy. Bummer, I've gotten maybe 2 or 3 multiplayer games since then if I can get it to work, nothing like Left 4 Dead. I would have loved to try this on Xbox Live, the player matching and standardized service would have likely made this a better experience. Regular multiplayer has better luck, but I don't really feel like I need to play another WWII game with PvP online. Medal of Honor was the first FPS I played online and it was fun, but I don't feel like it's different enough to spend alot of time on right now.
Luckily the single player is awesome because the difficulties getting multiplayer co-op matches spoiled the main reason I purchased this game for me.