I'm very picking about FPS and this game is great.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: World at War X360
I just absolutly love this game, people can be really critical giving this game reviews of like 5 and below when this game should be a 9 and above, i mean IGN gave this game a 9.2 so obviously it's not bad.

This game has one glitch that isn't even annoying, i can run through car doors that are open/exploded.

This games gore is awesome and the textures, guns and water graphics are insane. This is definetly a step up in graphics, gameplay, and everything else than the series.

The gore in this game is insane and i like gore, but people who have children that watch them may not want to pick this game up considering that if you shoot someone with a double barrel shotgun, there arms and legs blow off. When you burn someone with a flamethrower or molative cocktail they scream and try to stop drop and roll.