COD4 with WW2 theme. Obviously just a theme change, Treyarch didn't bother to mix-up the game play.
1. Repetitiveness- There's nothing in this game you haven't seen before, with the sole exception of the zombie stuff, which IMHO only destroyed what there was of the 'authentic' COD theme that made COD, COD2, and COD4 so popular. -2 points.
2. Scalability- Plays poorly on lower end systems. Lower-end in this case means a Dell XPS. Only 25-15 FPS for COD:WW? And (on the same system) getting 30-25 FPS for Crysis? Shame on you, Treyarch. I WAS running everything turned off, lowest system settings. SO, -5 points.
3. Coop- Only shiny point imo. Haven't tried it out yet, but coop is always fun, and isn't in many PC games. +.5 Points.
Don't buy it. Wait till the price drops, (as all Treyarch games do) then buy it, if you still want it.