One thing that really made this game worth it and worth the wait was the Wifi capability. By the Wifi i meant playing worldwide. Call of Duty 4 didn't have wifi so this was something really cool, even though many of people like me were wondering why it didn't appear for COD4.
So lets talk about the Wifi. Sadly if you're looking forward for a crazy death-match game it wont be that crazy due to the fact that only 4 people can be in one room. But its still a nice feature in the game. You can play a 2v2 game with your friends worldwide [ yes you need friend codes] or a 2v2 with other people. You can have a Free for All match too but its 4 people max like i said before. One thing i dislike is how the whole game of a free for all or 2v2 can be ruined if one person just disconnected or shut off their own DS
Probably the only thing i didn't like was the fact that Activation took the story-line of Call of duty back to WW2. I've been playing COD for a while now and i have to admit I'm tired of the WW2 stuff. What i liked most was the Wifi feature to be able to play with other people.
So overall i give this game about a 9 out of 10. If you guys really like first person shooters and awesome story-lines or maybe even just like COD because you're a fanatic i recommend that you gets this game. If you're a person who is new to COD or want a shooting game i also recommend that you get this game.
Hoped you got to get a little bit from this review. Thank you for reading.