Playing with the big boys toy's.
So let's just start at the beginning.
The graphic is grate. It catches the atmosphere and not to mention walking through all that tall grass knowing crazy jabs are gonna jump at you any time makes it just even better. Characters look good especially the Russian Sargent with part missing of his trigger finger on the right arm. The details are in every way stunning.
The story is old school and we all know it. When we sit down we know who is gonna win we know how the game ends but still the game manages to surprise you all the way in to the end. There are few times where I just sat there staring at the screen in shock.
I did feel sad that nether one of the main characters were the one telling the stories the Sargent of each team told them. It made it harder to connect with the characters as well as I would have wanted to.
Now I found couple of problems with the game. First is that you have to be so darn fast hitting the 'V' button when someone get's you down.
Also you have to have a patch for this game if you don't want ot live some problems. And well the last thing is something I hope only happened to me but in the last mission I kept on getting motion sickness.
Now for the good part. You get to play with all the fun toys from Molotov cocktail to tanks. So if anyone is worried they won't get to play their favorite part of the games like the plane and such then don't worry they got it all this time.
I recommend this game for anyone who likes shooters because this one is a classic and they still know how to do it. But remember to patch the game up front to get the best experience.