Call of duty like you want it.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty: World at War WII
Same good old COD: fast action , incredible Video sequence, many control scheme available for the wii mote. If all wii game could be that good and well done...

Medal of honor heroes two showed us that the wii was capable of good FPS gaming , that wii version of COD confirms it. this is what BIA double time should have been.

Graphics are comparable to the first COD that came out years ago but hey this is a Wii and Wii owner knows the limit of their machine. I felt a little lag at one point, but that could happen on any system I guess.

Sound is always good in this serie and WAW makes no exception by delivering a rich environment that make you feel all the stress and dangers of war.

Gameplay is the same old straight forward fast shoot at everything kinda game , of course it's call of duty so it's a "corridor game", but the fact the the scenario is heavily scripted and the constant new objectives makes you forget about that.

I which all developers would spend the time to polish their game like that