Despite a rather short single player campaign, The newest entry in the Call of Duty series may be the best one yet.
The developers have kept the same formula that has been so successful with past games, and they have managed to freshen the series up by finally doing the Pacific theatre a little bit of justice, as well as creating a darker, grittier experience. Rather than the "red mist" that momentarily appeared in past games, there is convincing blood and dismemberment.
Things I liked:
- The Great Patriotic War is again brought to life in a gritty and glorious fashion
- Darker Atmosphere
- The series finally begins to explore the Pacific theatre. I'd like to see future games flesh out this theatre more as there are a TON of noteworthy engagements that happened there.
- Sgt. Raznov
- Nazi Zombies
- Flamethrowers
Things I didn't like:
-Only two different perspectives.
- Pretty short