call of duty 4 but with old guns & more blood & gore!!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: World at War PC
Ok here we go , First of all lets start with the well designed menus and music (not the one in-game) and background effects that Call of Duty always had in its series for PC (not talking about PS3 or Xbox because i never played those) . About the Campaign what can i say , its new indeed , it has new elements , new graphics , groundbreaking almost ; but the sacrifice on this is the fact that its too short. I managed to Finnish the game 3 times , took me 4 hours to do it on easy difficulty a bit more on regular and max 6 hours - 9 hours on hard difficulty because you kinda die a lot hehe.
So i must say from my own point of view that I'd rate the single player with a squeezed 8 and that mostly for the beautiful graphics and storyline that it offers (like on the Russian part when it resembles a movie i can barely remember in name , with sniping on key moments like when planes fly above , moving fast enough before those clever AI's notice the fellas near them got they're skull cracked and decide to do something and so on)

But the thing that really thrilled me was the Multiplayer system taken from Modern Warfare which blends perfectly in the action , and makes you want to play more and more , just like a MMO RPG with XP and PERKS that help you be more accurate or get new skills. That thing completely ripped my Real Life perception and got me staying for about 7 hours after work every day just to gank as many as possible and perfect my rank, this happens to me only on COD because it has that really neat WW action. The possibility to make your SVT Rifle a sniper rifle , to attach a muzzle on it to make you invisible on the mini map when firing or that perk that also makes you invisible when players want to recon search the map , those are utterly cool.

All in all this is the best game that simulates WW as i see it , and i simply love it at the max. That's why i got it ASAP and yes i didn't post a review because i was jammed with the excitement of playing. This is kinda like a Company of Heroes viewed from a FPS perspective. Not quite but not far either.