Worth buying.
User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: World at War X360
I got this game for my birthday, it was worth it. Not only is it the best game that brings in the japanese, it also includes Nazi Zombies, what were they thinking! Any ways, Nazi Zombie mode is cool. The games beginning is very interesting to watch, it shows you and a few others getting tortured. When your team mate gets his throat slit, you are about to have the same fate. Fortanutely you are rescued, and the game begins. Through out the game, marines will get caught in traps, japanese soldiers will run at you stabbing you and your team yelling "bonzai"! Also as an american, you will get to ride in a black cat jet and blow up merchant ships and rescue survivors. As a russian, you will sneak through stalingrad and snipe germans, You also will assassinate a Nazi general. You will march through berlin, Ride a tank(I hated this), and kill surrending germans. Basically, you will destroy the german army. Nazi Zombie mode, one of my favorite things in the game. Basically, you try to survive as many rounds in a house full of supplies,(You have to pay for supplies and to open new areas with points). You get points by... KILLING ZOMBIES! The windows are boarded up, but the zombies break them down. You can rebuild them for points. If you open a door, you get a random weapons box. If you spend 950 points, you get a random weapon, the toughest is the ray gun, not available in the campaign. So, if you have enough
money, and nothing to do, go buy this game!