I bought this game because i loved last year's Call of Duty 4 but i never thought i would love this one even more!

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty: World at War PC
Call of Duty World at war is an incredible game. It really gives you the fieeling of being part of the dramatic events at world war II and it travels you in many different situatuions like being an american or a russian soldier. Fighting from inside a tank, or being a gunner in a bomber. You will be using snipers (actually there is a mission that you have to be one) bazookas mashine guns, the legendary M1 and other nice stuff. Each weapons has it's unique feeling and although you will prefer some over others everyone of them gives the game a different feeling. The missions have variety and you will never feel that you are doing something you did before.


The graphics are very nice although to me they didn't seem more impressive that Call of Duty 4.

Sound is very good the sounds of battle feel real as do the the guns sound effects. The music helps in immersivity too.

The gameplay has variety the guns are well simulated the physics of the butllets are well made and there is the very helpfull grenade indicator (unique feature in CoD series) there is no save but the autosave feature is very well made. It saves the game frequently and in the right places


The tank driving part is very arcade-like but still fun.
Japanese soldiers need double the bullets the germans need to die but it adds flavor in the missions against the Japs.

After great frustrations i had with games like Far Cry 2 or GTA IV this game seems to me as the most fun game of this december. Try it and take my word you will have much fun :-)