Call of Duty: World at War is a great game but not as good as Call of Duty 4 as far as online play.
User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: World at War PS3
Call of Duty: World at War is a great game, and has a much better story mode than Call of Duty 4 all though COD: WAW has a shorter story mode than COD 4. COD: WAW has a few new features that I like a lot about it. One of them is that you can play through the story online with 4 other people either for fun or competitively. COD: WAW also has a new fun game mode called Nazi Zombies, which is really fun and I enjoy doing that. The graphics and sound in the game are off the charts, better than COD 4. The controls are exactly the same as COD 4 but there's nothing wrong with that. The Online Multiplayer is just as fun as COD 4 however it does take a while to get use to playing it because most people are switching from modern warfare weapons to WWII weapons. Another small problem for people who like Hardcore Team Death Match is that it is 95% of the time so slow pase epically for people who enjoy Hardcore Team Death Match. Now I know in the Hardcore Team Death Match (HTDM) mode is that when you die, you have to wait like around 10 seconds to respond back into the game. It is like that even in COD 4. However in COD: WAW is that they put you farther away from the action so you are forced to run more to the action AND plus you have to wait 10 seconds to respond back into the game. In COD 4, you also have to wait like 10 seconds in HTDM when you die to respond back HOWEVER, they put you closer to the action so it's not so slow paced. Also for the Online play, they have more game modes you can play online in Hardcore Mode and also just new game modes in general which is a nice feature to this game. Another good thing about COD: WAW is that it is much more bloody and gory than past Call of Duty games which is nice because it's more realistic. As well as that feature, there is this other one where you get trophies for doing certain things, and if you like getting trophies like me, you will like this feature. Also the Platinum Trophy for this game is a lot easier getting than most other games. Overall if your a Call of Duty fan, or a fan of WWII games, don't waste your time and get it, it's totally worth it.