Single-Player was well done and very amazing, but way too short, Multiplayer? very fun, but to bugged to be worth the ti
User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: World at War PC
Single-player was very immersive and very well done, along with graphics, sound, characters, script, story, everything. But Multiplayer is another story, On average, it takes myself around 8-11 tries to begin playing a game because of crippling bugs that fail to recognize the server authentication 8/10 times and 1/2 of the time you turn on the game it fails to connect to "online service" and occasionally gets "bad packets". Multiplayer is almost not worth it, sorry treyarch, get it right the first time. Also if you even manage to get past all of those bugs, horrible lag tends to spike on all of the servers, going from a normal of 90-150 to 210-500. But if you manage all of that, then you get a game with truly fun multiplayer that is extremely addictive, if you work past the bugs of course. But another problem is probably just my computer, for I tend to lag up every time I aproach a densly packed area of foliage, and the game will run "extremely" slow, and turning down the graphics, resolution and anti-analising has no effect whatsoever on the lag, even with poor graphics and resolution this is still a problem. There seems to be many bugs with this game, but it is all together a very fun game.