For a Wii game, CoD:WaW accomplished the goal of giving us a hardcore shooter with online play for the first time.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty: World at War WII
Why lie and say that this game is not good. Yeah the PS3 and 360 versions may be better for some of you. Better graphics, game play, or/and better controls. Who cares? A game must not be judge by the console its on or by its graphics, but by its game play. For a Wii game it has successfully achieved in giving us a hardcore shooter. Campaign mode is excellent and really good to familiarize yourself with some of the weapons. Co-op, sry guys theres no co-op, its more like, "Hey you in the couch, get up and grab the other Wii mote (no chuck) and help me out." Online? Good. Lag? Depends on your connection. Having limited online options and only 8 playable stages does make it a bit painful, but for Wii its the best. With the Conduit coming out and if it does have online play then lets hope it learned CoD:WaW mistake in having limited online options and stages.