story could have used some work but apart from that small issue call of duty world at war is one of the best games ever!

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: World at War PS3
alot of people cryed and moaned when activision said call of duty was going back to world war 2 and I'm not saying thier not aloud to, ww2 is losing steam and cod4 was amazing but im a ww2 buff and this was exciting for me and im glad because it is pure fun in every way.
both stories start you off pretty much helpless both times you'll see your friends be either killed or tortured or both. this is great set up because the scond you get a gun youll go crazy.
the story feels alot like cod4 and thats not bad thing but its more than that you get a better fell for your characters, say for instance dimitri petrenko the private you play in the russian story always seems to wake up surrounded by germans then saved at the last minute its actually pretty funny how unlucky he is.
but to finish an already great game they added in multi which is quite addictive and the've put coop and system like the halo skulls called death cards and a zombie mode this game is a must buy eaisily worth $110 im just lucky i got it for $60 anyways this game is excellent but im so F***ing sick of all those stupid 8 year old on the multiplayer.

Bobthebulider15 you suck you stupid little mommas boy if you dont know what a headshot is then somebody better come over to your house and do a real one to you right between your eyes you stupid little girl.