Its worth about $30

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty: World at War PS3
I did not play the previous games in the series so i come from unbiased point of view. The solo campaign is fun and can be very difficult at times. The game has tight controls and great graphics and sound. The game play is what i had trouble with. Multilayer especially seemed very inconsistent. Even with the certain perks on you can shoot through some things and not others. Like you can shoot through one wall that is 3 foot thick but not one that is 3 inches. I found many inconsistencies in the game like this. Also the seemingly random spawn points will have you cussing up a storm as well. Multilayer online is fun sometimes. A lot of people do glitches and are somehow superhuman it seems. There is also no balance in the matches normally. You are put in with people after level 8 with level 60 people. About 1/2 the online games i played was very one sided and many people just sit around and wait for people to come by instead of trying to complete the objectives. It sounds like i have a lot of problems with the game but i am sure if you liked the 4th one then this will be fun too. I suggest though if you like fair and balanced games that you pass this game by.