Call of Duty: World at War has the best online multiplayer of any Wii game to date, and has an awesome story mode.
You can also play co-op with a friend and play through the campaign together. Instead of split screen though, the second player is just a rectile on the 1st player's screen, and you both die when he dies. Though it could be more complete, the co-op is still pretty fun however.
Multiplayer:9.5. Though the story tides you over, the multiplayer is what makes the game great. It's addicting, well constructed, and great if you have friends who have the game. As you climb up the ranks, you'll unlock new weapons and awesome perks which help you eventually perfect your game. As for me, I find the MP40 submachine gun effective, along with the colt pistol as firearms. Bouncing betties are perfect for protecting yourself when outnumbered and trapped as well.
Anyways, the scoreboard is also a great feature. You can track kills, wins, scores, and streaks and compare yourself to fellow gamers. There is 65 levels you can climb up, but prestige mode adds a new twist. Instead of staying a 65, you can go back to level one. Your leaderboard stats stay intact, and you get a new emblem for each time you go into prestige.
The only complaints I have is that there is no capture the flag, which could be utilized very well. Also, there is only infantry modes too, no veichles. Also, the online can occaisionally have bad connection issues. You may bounce around just hitting walls if you have a poor connection. My only other complaint would be the lack of stages as well, as 8 is too little. Each stage does have a cool atmosphere to it though, and there are many places to start huge firefights or to have a sniper shootout.
Controls:9.5. The Wii definately has the best controls of any console for this game. Instead of using a joystick to aim, the Wii utilizes it's motion controls. You point at the sensor bar and hold the Wii remote like a gun. You also fire like a gun too by pressing the b button like a trigger. Compared to other versions, this has the most natural control feel for the game.
Music:9.5. Though you may not notice it when in battle, the music in this game is awesome. If you don't press a button for a while on the game's title screen, you're shown awesome clips from the game along with an awesome song. The song appears later in the game as you send Nazi forces retreating, and makes it a very sureal moment and shouts that you're gonna win the war. There are also many other songs that are great in the game as well too.
Graphics:9.0. It's on the Wii, so you have to give it a break on this. The graphics for this game aren't anywhere close to a masterpiece, but they aren't bad. For a Wii game they're decent, but compared to other consoles they are below average. But still, they are decent and half the time you'll be to busy kicking butt to notice the graphics.
Added Content:9.5. Yes, added content to a Wii game! For free! In February 2009 Hardcore DM and Team Survival were added as online modes. Hardcore Deathmatch is just Hardcore TDM and Deathmatch combined. The mode that I love is Team Survival, where you have one life, decreased health, little help from perks, and fight in a 4 v 4 battle. Matches go about 5 mins. on average, so it's easy to rack up wins fast. Experience points are quadrupled, but the maximum number of people you can kill is 4. You do get great match bonuses if you get kills though. Anyway, this mode is very strategic, as you need to decide whether to hide or hunt, and if so, where? It can get very nerveracking, especially when you hear footsteps coming. In conclusion, TS is maybe my favorite mode of all due to it's realisticness.
Overall:9.5. Call of Duty:World at War for Wii finally produces an awesome online for the Wii, makes great use of the WIi's motion controls, and has an awesome storyline. This is what we hoped that an FPS would be like on the Wii. The online is finally good for a Wii game as well. The game is truly brilliant.