Decent game with a lot to give but lacks some balance in the game.
There are many types of modes to play the classic 4 players offline to play with friends and the online mode of course. If you dont have online you should rent this first to decide if you would buy this or not. Now the online is where the action is this is the same modes like search and destroy tdm, free for all, ect. Some of the levels in this game has TANKS and is way overpowered because it takes forever to kill it. The rocket takes like 4-5 hits for it to blow up and bullets is like nails getting thrown at it but in teams its pretty easy if your team is smart and team on it. There are plenty of guns but the guns aren't balanced like a gun where you get pretty early online when u rank is like the best gun in the game its strong has, has a lot of bullets, could shoot pretty far with little recoil ect. Which is one of the main reasons i gave it a 8.0.
The co-op campaign online is fun and is up to 4 players and you could decide what difficulty you want. Now on to Nazi zombie mode ( unlocked when beat single campaign) is pretty fun, but is only up to 2 players offline and 4 players online. Nazi zombie mode where you fight hordes of zombies in a house and get points when u kill them. You repair barricades on the windows and when u get enough points, you can use the points to open certain parts of the house. Overall its fun offline and online but only has one map and needs more maps to have fun.
Overall its a decent game but a rent first instead of wasting 40-50 bucks for it