It's a WW2 Call of Duty 4. That's why it's great.
Yes, yes it did. WaW is a fantastic addition to the franchise and a solid sequal to the amazing CoD4. Here's why.
The single player campaign is maybe 1 hour longer than the CoD4 story. The story has interesting takes on the American and Russian sides and tries to give us a mind-blowing experience. As good as it is, it just didn't have any of those moments where as CoD4 had many.
Treyarch got pretty much all their ideas off Infinity Ward, so the multiplayer couldn't have failed. The multiplayer is fantastic and with a wide range of perks and weapons, it's definitely worth a look. Unfortunately I don't feel that it is addictive as CoD4 and CoD4 has a slightly more cutting edge to it.
Nazi Zombies are brilliant. Not original but incredibly fun. The only thing annoying is that it doesn't have 4 player split screen.
CoD: WaW is excellent. Solid single player, excellent multiplayer, incredibly challenging on Veteran and Nazi Zombies.
But it's no Call of Duty 4 though is it :P