well,i expected this game to be fantastic because of Call of Duty 4. i was completely and utterly WRONG.
online,messed up.
campaign was kind of o.k and coop with Nazi zombies was the only thing that kept me from lighting this game on fire.
I'm seeing a pattern though.
i never played the first Cod game but the second one was great.
the 3rd wasn't good,the 4th amazing.
the 5th s**t. It might just be me but I'm expecting a lot from number 6.
with the coop and Nazi zombie modes give the game 1 step forward. But the rest of the work, that infinity ward did so well, gives Call Of Duty WaW, 99 steps back. MW did the online,campaign,customization and everything perfect.
WaW did not. In MW a new player could go against a level 55 and apart from skill, a few perks and guns it would be even. Two people of the same skill, with the same weapons and perks could go against each other and it would fall down into who had the best connection 8/10 times.
so all in all, thanks treyarch u just burned,bombed and destroyed the positive gaming that infinity ward gained for the Call of Duty Franchise. Nice one!