Call of Duty 4...2. Enough said, except with some changes that aren't for the better. Should you buy this game?

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: World at War X360
Yes. A big yes. This is a great game for the XBOX LIVE GOLD subscriber. Like Left4Dead, don't even think of purchasing this game without GOLD. Let's break down the game...

SINGLE PLAYER-----------------------------------------------------------------

It's okay. It feels like a huge run and gun deal. Unlike Call of Duty 4 throwing you into totally kick ass experiences at every turn, this feels almost boring in comparison. 4 player CO-OP adds some great flavor to the experience especially the scoring mode.


If you are looking for some great multiplayer action after hours of COD4, this is a great place to look. The new perks, guns, and maps are great. Lots of people are always playing so finding a match is no problem.


+Great Multiplayer
+Nazi Zombies
+No excess sniping in Multiplayer


-Attack dogs are as cheap as hell.
-Campaign isn't as good as COD4
-Only 1 level of Nazi Zombies on disk.

