sweet game, good for any FPS lover

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: World at War X360
call of duty world at war is an awesome WW2 game that all first player shooter fans should have. first of all, i love the multitude of weapons. there's a weapon for any kind of player. like, if you're a pyro like me, theres a flamethrower! if you like short range, there's the trench gun and the double barrel. or, if you like pumping your enemy full of lead, theres a ton of machine guns. for the longranger, theres lots of rifles, too. and i also like all the grenades, too. my favorite is the molotov. and finally, theres the noob weapons. the noob tube(rifle grenade), the bazooka, and bouncing betties. if you dont have xboxlive, 4-player multiplayer is fun. and prestiging is awesome on live. but now, we get to my favorite part......Nazi Zombies!! i love it! just beat the campaign, and you can play it. you have to kill wave after wave of zombies, repair windows, and buy weapons. the best part is if you get a flamethrower from the random box, you can toast everything! its friggin sweet!