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User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: World at War X360
CoDWaW is the latest installment in the Call of Duty series. But does it live up to the amazingly popular CoD4. At least in my opinion the answer is yes.

One of the things that made Modern Warfare so good was that the modern setting was a nice break from the normal WWII era. WaW takes place in WWII but on new fronts. First youve got the Pacific theatre. Japanese enemies offer a new challenge and new Japanese weapons like bayonets ;)The battlefields also look and play quite differently so TRUST ME, just because your bored of hearing ''30 seconds!'', getting your PT boat blown up, swimming ashore while your squadmates die in the water, and looking up at those same two German bunkers that seem to appear in every World War II game doesnt mean you will get easily bored of the WaW single player campaign. This game also brings the Eastern front to play, with Russian guns, an urban sniper mission that is wAy better than Modern Warfare's, and those hilarious East European accents =). Bottom line, the SP for Waw is just as good (if not better) than Cod4s.

The main aspect of CoD4 that made it SO popular was its multiplayer. Simply put, everything is still here. Custom classes are back with all the perks, weapons, attachments, .....more weapons that youll ever want. So which one is more fun on Xbox live? Well this is where it comes down to what you want to see in a game. As far as I am concerned WaWs Japanese and Russian maps are way better than say, that freakin Missile site in MW (I believe the level is called "Countdown") but hey maybe you like the missle site. I also like how WaW seems to more strongly define what side of the map is whos. Too many times I spawned literally right in the crossfire on Call of Duty 4 and ended up with 3 deaths in 5 seconds. That never happens on WaW. From the other viewpoint maybe you like the fast pace of being in combat as soon as you press the X button. IDK. It all depends on which multiplayer style you like better. So...