I would't miss this one

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: World at War X360
This game has shown me the fear's and fault's of world war 2. the game play was awesome and the look of it is just out of this world.
Just like modern warfare, they have those about to dye scenes. Like when these gay German people killed your hole squad and your next in death roll, the Soviet bash right threw the wall and save your butt. plus in the end th- well you can fine out when you buy it.
But the campain was a amazing, and they finally got flamethrower's.
how did they know i wanted that. but online they give it to you at the end of your level. so no pwning online with it. but the online is all so
awesome as well. they give a butt load of weapon's to select from.
As well as the side weapon's like a bounce betty or more. And now what's the best part of the game?? I'm glade you asked, Drum roll please. And the best part of call of duty world at war go's to.....
NAZI ZOMBIE'S!!!!!!!!!!! One of the best idea's to go with a WWll video game. What could not be better than killing the army of the undead with your best friend's. as you go along nazi zombie's, you will get like little perk's like the max ammo, or maybe instant kill and so many more. And in the new one's (DLC:Map pack 1&2) you can get real perk's like double tap or fast reload. And if you have the map pack 2, they have trap's you can kill them with.
I could go on and on about it, but i love to give it a 9/10. And if you are reading this, you will be kicked in the face by chuck norrior's today. so keep good look out for him. chuck norrior's ROCKS!!!
