User Rating: 3 | Call of Duty: WWII (PlayStation 4 Limited Edition) PS4
Multiplayer: Abysmal hit detection and lag make the it frustrating as hell. This franchise has been reskinned too many times for this problem to still be so huge. I’ve never had this problem with any other online shooter. It’s absolutely terrible here. Too many of the guns are worthless. Graphics are barely better than PS3. Hardly anything original, but this could be fun if the hit detection wasn’t a steaming pile of dogshit. Maps are good, surprisingly, since this series is so well known for crappy maps. Single player campaign: Looks incredible. But it’s boring as hell. Reskinned from the preceding 63 plus titles or so. YAWN. Dear Activision: YOU SUCK. Dear Gamespot: how much did you get paid to rate this turd a 9? A 9? Seriously? It’s the same exact pile of garbage that we see every year.