A worthy expansion to an already amazing game.

User Rating: 9.2 | Call of Duty: United Offensive PC
The United Offensive expansion takes the greatness that is Call of Duty and takes it even higher. This gives the game several new innovations into its engine and take it several steps further, however there are a few downsides to this. GAMEPLAY: This does an admirable job at maintining what made the original game so great and even be able to take it a few steps forward. one of the biggest additions is the ability to now use vehicles in multiplayer. Whats great is that the vehicles dont make it really unbalanced, as you are more vaunarable in a tank then you may think, because your an easy target to any soldier holding a weapon like a Panzefaust. Anouther addition is the ability to sprint for a period of time, in which you can run at a hastly speed for several seconds, then catch your breath for when you need it again. Overall the gameplay continues to be amazing and truely remarkable. GRAPHICS: The expansion has made a few graphical improvements, such in the explosions have been improved to a degree. The level design is also a bit improved as they seem to have a bit more depth in them. SOUND: THis game retains everything that made the previous one also very appealing audiowise. While it dosen't have nothing much new in terms of audio other then new lines for the voices, its pretty mucht he same. But hey, does that really matter? VALUE: This game is just as well made as the other. Multiplayer is fun, and single player is engaging and intense. Only one problem though, the single player campaign in very short. The game has about maybe at most 8 hours of gameplay. While the single player missions are indeed very well made and fun, still the overall campaign is just to short. OVERALL: This expansion continues the tradition that made Call of Duty so great and takes to several more steps. I know i repeated this a lot but its true. Despite its short campaign, the multiplayer should still keep you playing this for many many months.