I never played Call of Duty before. The only CoD game I've played is Call of Duty 2 which is freakin' amazing. Anyway, I'm here to talk about Call of Duty. I have only played the demo and I'm hungry for some more. It's a damn good game. Probably not as intense as CoD 2, but still great. The first I played it I was like "Wow, not as good as CoD 2 but still a great game... I really need to get this." There's just no other WWII game like the CoD series. Like most games ( but not all ) you are usually alone fighting hundreds of Germans. I hate it when you're a one man army. But CoD, you're pretty much never alone. You're gonna be fighting with a good number of allied soldiers and it's simply amazing and makes the game realistic. I think anyone who into WWII shooters, then get CoD, it's really good.
Capitalising on popular genres is gaining in popularity - and WWII-themed first-person shooters are red hot at the moment. With their current and future popularity, Call of Duty has to be pretty special to garner interes... Read Full Review
I have just completed my fourth or fifth play through of the original Call of Duty (COD) as part of the COD Warchest. It, and the other games in the COD Warchest compilation, COD United Offensive and COD2, remain among ... Read Full Review